Sharia Law Belongs to Which Family of Ethical Theories?


Exercise you lot accept an Ideals class yous demand to take as a prerequisite or an elective? Here'due south a summary of the terms, types, and critiques of ethical series that may aid you lot successfully pass the grade.

First, we demand to define ethics. What is ethics? Ethics is a branch of philosophy addressing questions most morality.

Ethics is divided into 2 different ways of looking at the morality of humanity. They are Consequential and Non-Consequential.


In Consequential Ethics, the outcomes make up one's mind the morality of the human action. What make the act wrong are the consequences. It says, it will be legitimate to lie in guild to become out of a serious problem, such as to save a persons life. In other words a white prevarication is fine. So the essence of morality is adamant by the upshot or outcome of the deed.


In non-Consequential Ethics, the source of morality comes from something else: police, God'due south law, moral law, sense of duty, and your definition of what is the virtuous thing to practice. All those considerations are built into the act itself before you could think of consequences, before it makes information technology right or wrong. One classic example is this system is lying. Lying could exist incorrect because in one organization, information technology's a violation of the nature of voice communication. It's wrong to use a lie to achieve a skilful end. Merely put, a prevarication is a lie, is a prevarication.

Thomas Hobbes [Egoism]

Thomas Hobbes [Egoism]

Jeremy Bentham [Utilitarianism]

Jeremy Bentham [Utilitarianism]

John Dewey [Pragmatism]

John Dewey [Pragmatism]

Egoism – Utilitarianism – Pragmatism

Egoism - Ways, act in your own cocky-interest.

Utilitarianism - Do that which is moral only if the act produces the greatest amount of practiced for the greatest number of people.

There are two brands of Utilitarianism:

one. Act Utilitarianism- Do the human activity. No consideration of before or after. Do what is chosen for now, and consider what action will produce the greatest amount of expert for the greatest number of people.

2. Follow the Dominion- Means you can't remember of actions as isolated instances. We make decisions based on trial and fault, on our experiences. Follow the pattern that will produce the greatest proficient for the greatest number of people. In fact, that's almost the essence of legislative beliefs of police force.

Read More than From Owlcation

Pragmatism- Means, any works. Pragmatism believes in the scientific ways of making decisions. Business schools are driven past pragmatism. Pragmatism says, you have to have numbers to prove anything. Information technology's quantitative not qualitative.



Non-consequential ethics says morality is determined past higher authority, some sense of duty, the nature of the thing, love, virtue involved, the right thing to practise, or intuition. The source of morality comes before the act is done.

1. Intuitionism- Intuitionism says, each person has an in-congenital sense of right/wrong, a gut feeling, a hunch, and impulse.


  • Intuition varies from person to person
  • Intuition lacks solid evidence

Assumptions and values:

  • Information technology assumes that each person is sovereign in making decisions. For example, "it's my decision; mine alone, my sense of right or wrong.
  • The values are caring, giving, love, support, and justice but it is interpreted according to the supposition behind it. In other words, why do I care about you? Because it'due south in my cocky-interest to care about you lot, not because you're a human being.

2. Natural Law Ideals- Natural Law ideals says, respect your natural inclinations.

  • It says, the universe is governed past rational thinking. There'southward an orderly way of things.
  • It may or may not include God. There's just some society behind this.
  • Humans are governed by natural inclinations (natural law). According to ancient philosophers, we're driven by these basic inclinations:

- Respect/ Preserve life

- Propagate human species (family)

- Search for truth (we want to know the truth)

- Have a peaceful society (we tin't live in cluttered social environment)

  • Ancient philosophers say we accept the inclinations that are governed by the post-obit hierarchy of laws:

- Eternal – Yard Plan

- Natural – Human comport

- Moral – Human carry (it governs the bear)

- Physical – Sciences (our community, our government)

- Civil – Practical (our community, our government)

  • Thomas Aquinas says God is backside this eternal programme. Nevertheless, the ancient laws say in that location is something orderly in the universe. Thomas Aquinas gave it a religious twist, he said nosotros take a moral obligation to the natural police force.


  • Positive view of Man. We are rational individuals. We need a rational, stable relationship, regardless of what'southward right or wrong, or what social impact our beliefs has on others.
  • Discounts human feelings, a natural law (rational is in control).
Aristotle and Plato

Aristotle and Plato

3. Virtue/Character Ideals


A bang-up deal of our western civilisation is based on the virtue/character ideals ideal.

  • It says, everything has a purpose and function.

- the ultimate human goal is cocky-realization, achieve your natural purpose, or human nature past living consistent with your nature.

  • It asks, what is the moral decision based on? What kind of person (grapheme) should I exist become?
  • It says, cultivate virtues/grapheme traits or habits. In curt, morality is a learned behavior.
  • It as well says, virtues are learned past…

- False. At first, equally a immature kid. For case, a kid learns past imitating or we imitate others (i.e. teachers, leaders, etc.), and gradually we…

- Internalize the all-time style to act, not because nosotros have to do information technology or because someone says you have to do it, but considering it'southward the correct affair to do. Then you lot…

- Practice, and it becomes habitual. A virtue (love, intendance, requite, comport, just) is a habitual style of acting consequent with your purposes or the purpose of the nature of the affair you're involved with.

How would you define virtuous? Virtue is the "mean" betwixt excess and defect (Golden Mean or Golden Rule).

The examples below come up direct from Aristotle. For example, in the social setting, in a unsafe situation the excess way to act would be rash, the virtuous (ways) way to human activity is with courage, and the defect would be to act with cowardice.

Social Settings Excess Mean Defect









Social Relations

Obsequious (besides friendly)








  • Develops graphic symbol, non but obey laws (this is a strength). You lot develop an epitome of what the ideal person is.
  • Emphasizes human being interdependence. The wise teach the young. It says, don't be so foolish thinking that you lot can figure out things on your own, listen to your elders.
  • Emphasizes gradual maturity. We don't all the sudden get the moral person in life, there's no magic wand.
  • Holds upward virtues equally ideals, as well as determinants of morality. There's a loophole, over a period of time, the definition of virtue varies in cultures, as in periods of fourth dimension.

In Greek times, the definition of virtue is very "macho." In Plato, the highest instance in life is being a warrior (physical fitness). In the middle ages in the Western world, the definition changes to Christian (following the example of Jesus). So who'southward a adept person today? A expert person today is a virtuous person, a person who functions.

The problems? Definitions of virtue vary. For case, as in heroes. A hero could be a political hero, a war hero. It can be all kinds of heroes, with its own definition of virtue.

four. Male person and Female Ideals

  • Women tend to live in a world of social relations, emotions. It contrasts with men who tend to live in a earth of principle.
  • There's a swell need for female person psychology and morality in society. If y'all leave it to men solitary, we would live in a very competitive and individualistic earth.
Immanuel Kant [Duty Ethics]

Immanuel Kant [Duty Ideals]

v. Duty Ethics (Immanuel Kant)

  • Immanuel Kant did not like a morality based on laws, church laws. He said you tin can't depend on laws, because laws sometimes are made by capricious people. He said there'south 1 thing that human beings have in common, and that is the ability to reason. Pure reasoning is the source of morality.
  • He says here that morality has its roots/foundation in the status of goodwill amidst people. In other words, the near basic thing about people is, they want to live in a good order, have relationships with other people.
  • He said we have an obligation to do the right thing. Duty Ethics say nosotros accept a duty to accomplish good. How do you figure out what is good? He says your reasoning can effigy that out.
  • People/deportment are moral when they attain the good/goodwill. He likewise says, to be moral, an action must be voluntary. You don't get credit for an activeness, because…

- you take to do it

- you have a nice personality

- you lot are very pleasant

- penalty is feared

- of impulse

A moral action has to exist done voluntarily. Morality is a witting action according to his way of thinking.

  • He says, morality is discovered by pure reason non by constabulary or consequences.

Duty Ideals is a very famous system. Hither are the rules for Duty Ethics:

  • First, act simply according to that maxim (rule), which can be a universal law for all people in all circumstances. In other words, using your pure reasoning. Yous can come up with what is the moral way to behave. It says, it makes sense to be truthful. This maxim is universal, and applies to everybody in all circumstances, there is no exception to the rule, as in the example a lie is a lie, is a lie (Categorical Imperative).
  • Second, how exercise y'all check to make certain that yous accept come up with a adept rule? This calls for the principle of Reversibility. It says, the maxim (rule) is right if one would desire to be treated that way themselves. It's chosen the Aureate Rule, "Do unto others, as y'all would have others washed unto you."
  • Third, do non utilize others equally a (mere) ways to one'due south end. This is called Applied Imperative. It says, detect a dominion that is the virtuous way of acting, the moral way of interim. Cheque it out, and whatever you do virtuous, do it non for your own selfish reasons (because it violates moral reasoning and behavior), but considering information technology's the moral thing to do. To employ each other is immoral.


  • Like other systems, it places responsibility direct on the private.
  • Insists on rules that are logical and applicable to all. It tries to be consistent.
  • He does not point which rules you should follow. What should I exercise? Figure it out for yourself, it'southward up to you.
  • Besides rigid? Would it exist right to lie to your spouse? Aye. A qualified rule is something that is okay or not okay, except under sure circumstances. For example, is it incorrect to have another person's life? What about in self-defence force, or in state of war, an abortion? This doesn't allow for the situation or other consequences, and information technology'south highly irrational.
  • In the principle of reversibility, if I were going to exist treated that mode, doesn't it imply the consequences of an activeness?
  • A qualified dominion, as in "…except in the case of…" can be as valid equally an unconditional statement).

6. Divine Command Ideals

  • In Divine Command Ethics, what makes it right or incorrect? Because I said then!
  • · "God commands information technology"

- Divine dominance

- Conventionalities

  • Religious Traditions:

- Islamic (Koran)

In the Koran, information technology says, "… and the Lord has decreed, discover rights, help the needy, practice non impale, do not fornicate, exercise not cheat."

- Jewish/Hebrew- (Rabbinic Law before Christ)

In the Ten Commandments (Mosaic Law), the first four commandments deal with our obligations/ duties to God, our parents, and the control to worship…"think the Sabbath," etc.

In the final of the commandments, these have a "do not", because of the value of each commandment. For example, Do Not kill- because of the value of life itself, Do Non steal – because the value of private property, Do Non commit adultery- because of the value of life, family and tradition.

However, the Rabbi's had to interpret under what circumstances is it okay to do such an deed as the commandment "Thou shall Not Impale." In Hebrew kill ways to murder, and according to Rabbinic Police force, it's okay to kill a slave, it's okay to exercise the human activity of revenge, to stone people for adultery or prostitution. Adultery was considered a violation not because of sex reasons, just because it was a violation of a human'south property- his wife. When the Rabbis finished interpreting, they came out with 613 interpretations.

- Lex Talionis (Eye for an Eye). "Do unto others…" equivalent. It's a very rigid notion.

- Christian – In Christianity, there are many branches:

Main line – Key – Pentecostal

Jesus took the old police of the Hebrews (Jewish Law) and extended it. For case, in some of His teachings he said you've been told not to kill/murder, I say love your enemy. Y'all've been told not to commit adultery, I'm saying don't even wait with lust. You've been told to honey God and hate your enemies (taken out of the Old Attestation), and I'thou telling yous to love your enemies. His purpose was to extend the Hebrew police force and basing it on love.

The scripture is the basis Christians follow, and it is the teaching authorisation of a particular branch.


  • Based on authority of God. We utilise it in our thinking.
  • Differing Traditions. All claim to be God'due south spokesman, or pedagogy for God.
  • Differing interpretations of Scripture by churches of what God'southward law actually is.
Joseph Fletcher [Situation Ethics]

Joseph Fletcher [Situation Ethics]

vii. (Religious) Situation Ideals (Joseph Fletcher)

  • A method of moral decision based on the code principle of Christianity: Love. Now Joseph Fletcher says, "Certain God spoke to usa, but in that location is a great tendency in these organized religions that are very autocratic and bureaucratic." He says do the loving thing. Therefore, Fletcher tries to observe the rest between Legalistic and Antinomian. The moral decision making can be:

- Legalistic: Church Law/Estimation

- Antinomian: Strictly Existential ethics (significant do at the moment what ever the hunch is to do).

Trying to find the balance, he comes upward with Situational (or Middle footing). He teaches,

- Respect the teaching potency of religious leaders.

- Secondly, circumstances colour and act.

- Therefore, apply the law of dear to the situation at manus, "Do the loving thing."

And then this becomes,

- Pragmatic, and

- Relative

A proficient example is a story of a woman in a concentration army camp. The woman commits adultery with a baby-sit in social club to be united with her husband. Some will say this is adultery, a directly violation of a commandment, but Joseph Fletcher says the circumstances color the act; it inverse the interpreters interpretation of what the loving affair is in that act, and that act was not a sinful human action, simply it was a loving human activity in order to exist reunited with her husband.

In this story given as an example, what is consequential? What kind of consequences is produced hither from this act? It could be very religious. If it is, you have to follow the rules, the laws of God simply interpreted in special circumstances. What system of ethics would apply here?

Notes taken from an Ideals class at ESC in Florida by Prof. Konkel (2003)


©Faithful Daughter

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Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on May xviii, 2019:

Ama Kwansa give thanks you

Ama Kwansa on May 18, 2019:

Im in medical school and nosotros taking a course in ethics in palliative care for patients nearly to die. This has been helpful. Thanks

Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on Feb 13, 2019:

BAKAM, you are welcome! I wish you success in your studies.

BAKAM CHANCELINE on February 13, 2019:

good morning to the everyone,

thank you for this lessons on ideals, it is helping me to prepare for my first semester and moreover to develop personal skills.

Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on January 01, 2019:

You are welcome Anweshan. And give thanks you for stopping past and reading this.

Anweshan on Jan 01, 2019:

Give thanks you and so much for such precise and succinct notes.

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on November 06, 2018:

You are welcome Dr. Joseph

justin on November 06, 2018:

thank you

Dr Joseph

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on October 27, 2018:

Thanks D. J Amele!

D. J Amele on October 27, 2018:

Very helpful, and inspiring

Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on October 15, 2018:

Give thanks you lot Liz. I'm glad it helped!

OBRIENAH LIZ on Oct fifteen, 2018:

wow this was so helpful thanx for sharing

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 21, 2018:

Thanks Derick. You're welcome.

Derick Oimo on June xx, 2018:

Thanks for this...information technology is very articulate and comprehendable proceed it upwardly

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 05, 2018:

LMW, you lot are welcome.

LMW on June 05, 2018:

Not bad information, it really helped me in my Ethics form. Thank you for sharing.

Bee on April 06, 2018:


Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on January 16, 2018:

Thank you Basil

Basil on January 16, 2018:

They are comprehensible.Actually impressive

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on January 07, 2018:


fadhili sawala on January 07, 2018:

i realy apreciate your writing

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on September 26, 2017:

Thanks Alex for stopping by and commenting!

Alex on September 26, 2017:

Your notes are well organized and with understandable pregnant.Thanks

Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on August 25, 2017:

You lot are very welcome Robel.

Robel Tsegaye on August 25, 2017:

Thanks! Faithful daughter. What a helpful and supportive notation. Africa , Federal democratic republic of ethiopia

Kenneth Avery on June thirty, 2014:

Thanks, True-blue Daughter. I have to get to work on another hub and get it finished today, June 30. And you lot have the Best twenty-four hour period E'er.

Your Friend,


Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June xxx, 2014:

You too Kenneth, have a great week also.

Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on June 29, 2014:

Hello, True-blue Daughter,

You are fashion also kind. Just thanks for your kind words. I am very glad to have you lot following me. That makes me feel great. Take a wonderful Sunday night.

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 29, 2014:

Kenneth, cheers! You lot're a gifted author as well and I'm glad to exist following you here on HP. God anoint!

Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on June 29, 2014:

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Accept yourself a tranquillity, peaceful mean solar day. Relish.

And if yous should need my help . . .just whisper and I am in that location.

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 29, 2014:

Kenneth, you requite me too much credit, thank you again! I'm glad to have met you on HubPages equally well.

Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on June 28, 2014:

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I appreciate your post-obit and talent that you share with HP and the world. You have such a gift for writing, plus the souvenir of having such a high IQ that y'all should exist thanking God each day that comes.

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Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on June 28, 2014:

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Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on June 28, 2014:

Hi, Faithful Daughter, Wow!

This is an splendid piece of writing. Astonishing, to be quite frank with you.

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Voted up and all the choices because you lot deserve it.

You accept such a gift for writing. Simply keep writing and good things are bound to happen to you.


Kenneth Avery, Hamilton, Alabama

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on May 08, 2013:

Cheers for stopping past and your comment.

Douglas Lieth from NYC on May 08, 2013:

Very impressive organizational structure to you Hub. I peculiarly similar the explanation of the various philosopher's theories followed by criticisms. Very balanced and informative.

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on May 03, 2013:

Yous are welcome.

Elizabeth on May 02, 2013:

Thank you!!! I needed this information in evidently (understandable) english language! :)

Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on February 06, 2013:

Thank you stopalltheclocks!

Helen on Feb 06, 2013:

Actually useful!

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on August 29, 2011:


Thank you for reading and commenting. I detect it interesting that the ethical theories apply to each and everyone with some variants here and in that location. I'grand glad you lot stopped by.

RevLady from Lantana, Florida on August 29, 2011:

A great synopsis of the ever elusive definition "ethics." It was interesting and presented in a way that is comprehensible. Thank you for sharing this most worthy topic of inquiry.

Forever His

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on August 29, 2011:

Thanks again Lifegate :)

William Kovacic from Pleasant Gap, PA on August 29, 2011:

Congratulations on the A+. I figured that would be the terminate result with a hub so well written!

Evie Lopez (writer) from Sunny Florida on August 29, 2011:

Hi Lifegate,

Information technology can be a trivial overwhelming when yous get into it in depth, merely I establish the grade interesting. However, the best function was when I got an A+ in the course :)

Thanks for the visit and the annotate.

William Kovacic from Pleasant Gap, PA on August 29, 2011:


Great job--all I can say is, I'k glad I don't accept an Ideals class I need to take every bit a prerequisite or an elective? But if I did, I'd be off o a adept beginning, cheers to yous!

Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on August 28, 2011:

Hi Hyphenbird,

It's been quite a while since I took these notes from an Ethics class I took in higher, so I had to clean them upward a bit. Yet, it was refreshing to go over some of the things I had already forgotten.

Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

Brenda Barnes from America-Broken But Still Cute on August 28, 2011:

I feel like I take indeed just been to school. This is an actual tutorial on Ethics. You worked hard on this Hub and information technology certainly showed. The quality is excellent pus!


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