Disney Openeing Day August 2 2004 Pin

     A fter years of planning, Walt Disney's very first theme park  Disneyland opened its gates at 2:30PM on Sunday July 17, 1955 in Anaheim, California. Television crews, Art Linkletter, Ronald Reagan, Bob Cummings, the Mouseketeers, Thurl Ravenscroft, California Governor Goodwin J. Knight and over 28,000 guests witnessed the opening of Walt's dream. Broadcast on ABC at 4:30PM, it was the biggest live telecast to date.

     E ighteen-year-old Bob Penfield operated the King Arthur Carousel that day - he was suppose to operate Peter Pan's Flight, but the attraction kept breaking down. "On Opening Day I remember standing on the Carrousel when they lowered the drawbridge for the first time and all of the kids came running across." Penfield went on to become the longest working Cast Member in Disneyland history!

C harlie Ridgway, a reporter working for the Los Angeles Mirror-News was covering the opening of Disneyland on that hot July day. He later went on to work for Disney as a publicist before relocating to Orlando, Florida to run Disney's public-relations department for

thirty years!

A ctor Ronald Reagan (who would later become president of the United States) introduced 53-year-old Walt Disney - "And now, Walt Disney will  step forward to read the dedication of Disneyland." Walt christened his 160-acre park with these now famous words (penned by Winston Hibler):

T he park offered 5 themed lands with a total of 18 attractions . Disneyland

opened as invitation only on this day, given to studio workers, construction workers, the press and officials

of company sponsors. (The park opened to the general public the following day - July 18 .) Because tickets to the

grand opening were counterfeited, a surprising 28,000-plus attended. The day was marked by numerous disasters, including a traffic jam, a shortage of food, and a gas leak in Fantasyland. Even a chunk of window from the Mark Twain Steamboat crashed on the head of an invited state senator! Disneyland encouraged visitors to arrive before 4:15PM, as during the live ABC telecast the park's gates were closed from 4:20PM to 5:30PM.

     C ast Member Ron Dominguez was working as a ticket taker at Disneyland's main gate. "I was a Ticker Taker. Opening Day was a hectic day. The plan was to invite people at different hours so that we could spread out all of the arrivals. But it didn't work out that way. Everyone wanted to come out early to see the stars." Dominguez  would spend his entire career at the park eventually becoming a top executive (between 1971-1994). Ironically he grew up on one of the Anaheim orange groves later purchased by Disney for the theme park. The Dominguez family house was located just about where the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean is!

     C elebrities visiting Disneyland that day included Frank Sinatra, Jerry Lewis, Sammy Davis Jr., Danny Thomas, Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher.

J uly 17, 1955 was known by Disneyland old-timers as

"Black Sunday" (because of the numerous mishaps)

... yet in those first 7 weeks more than a million

people walked down Disneyland's Main Street USA!





City Hall

Fire Department

Plaza Pavilion Restaurant


Bank of America

Camera Center

Carnation Ice Cream Parlor

Coca-Cola Refreshment Corner


Horse-Drawn Fire Wagon

Horse-Drawn Street Cars

Horse-Drawn Surreys

Main Street Cinema

Main Street Penny Arcade

Ruggles China and Glass House

Story Book Shop

Santa Fe / Disneyland Railroad (featuring 2 engines:

#1 C.K. Holliday & #2 E.P. Ripley)


Jungle Cruise (featuring 2 boats: Ganges Gal and Congo Queen )

Red Wagon Inn


Chicken Plantation Restaurant

Davy Crockett Arcade

Frontier Trading Post

Golden Horseshoe Revue at Slue Foot Sue's Golden Horseshoe Saloon

Mark Twain Steamboat

Mule Pack

Stage Coaches


Canal Boats of the World

King Arthur Carrousel

Mad Tea Party

Merlin's Magic Shop

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Peter Pan's Flight

Snow White's Adventures



Circarama  USA (presenting the film

A Tour of the West )

Monsanto Hall of Chemistry

Space Station X-1




N ine-year-old Bonnie Williams was an opening day guests because her church youth group was invited. She was among the first children to cross the drawbridge into Fantasyland and ride Disneyland's rides! "I remember seeing Walt," she says. "He looked like a giant. I told him, 'I saw you on TV!' The whole day was magical. I felt like a real princess."

"To all who come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past...and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts which have created America ... with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."

A  rusty-haired 12-year-old named Tom Nabbe also visited Disneyland. Tom and his mom stood outside the park's entrance seeking autographs from Hollywood stars who were visiting. They spotted entertainer Danny Thomas exiting and Tom's mom asked him for an autograph. As he signed he asked her, "Have you been in the park?" Upon learning she hadn't, Thomas gave her two extra free passes! Tom and his mom became invited guests of Danny Thomas! (Two days later, Tom landed a job as a "newsie," hawking The Disneyland News  on Main Street. In 1956 Nabbe became the park's first Tom Sawyer and in 1971, became Walt Disney World's monorail manager!)

    F irehouse Five Plus Two, a Dixieland jazz band made up of Disney Studio employees and led by animator Ward Kimball, appeared at the firehouse on Main Street for the opening ceremonies. The group, made up of Harper Goff, Danny Alguire, Clarke Mallery, Monte Mountjoy, Ed Penner, and Frank Thomas, later played at the dedication of Frontierland.

"Walt told us to wander around the park and play wherever there was a crowd. We were the first mobile band at Disneyland!" -Ward Kimball

D isney consultant Harrison "Buzz" Price, who a few years earlier had chosen the then-sleepy agricultural town of Anaheim as the location for Disneyland, attended opening day. "I was on the bridge that led to Sleeping Beauty's Castle, and it was full of people. We couldn't move. and the asphalt was sticky. I looked down and saw Frank Sinatra, and he was cursing."

A ctor Fess Parker, famously known in 1955 as TV's Davy Crockett, led the opening-day parade dressed as the famous frontiersman and riding a horse! ''There were so many people I couldn't see the park!" he later explained.

T he Mouseketeers were first introduced to the public during the live

broadcast of the Disneyland opening day festivities. All 24 members were featured in the inaugural Main Street parade and were showcased with their very own musical production number. ( Mickey Mouse Club  would make its national television premiere on October 3, 1955 .)

F uture Disneyland President Jack Lindquist was there on opening day ... but as a guest. He was working for an ad agency and one of his clients, Kelvinator (an appliance company) invited him. "It was so overcrowded, and it was I think 105. I don't know, but very very hot. But traffic wasn't a problem, they had a great system of directing traffic. It came right into the parking lot, and then everything came to a halt. You had tickets that said enter at 1PM. Well, the people that had tickets that said 8am, 9am, 10am weren't leaving. They were just adding more people going in, nobody was coming out."

"It's not apparent at a casual glance but this street is only a scale model. We had every brick and tile and gas lamp made 5/8ths true size. This cost more, but it made the street a toy, and the imagination can play more freely with a toy. Besides, people like to think that their world is somehow more grown-up than Papa's was."

-Walt Disney on Disneyland's Main Street

A lso among the first children to run through Sleeping Beauty Castle was young Robb Fischle. He was also one of the first to experience Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Starting in 1972 he worked at Disneyland and today is a park Security Officer!

"Main Street, U.S.A. is America at

the turn of the century - the

crossroads of an era. The gas lamps

and the electric lamps,

the horse drawn car and the

auto car. Main Street is everyone's

home town ... the

heartline of America."

-Walt Disney

"Here is adventure, here is romance,

 here is mystery. Tropical

rivers, flowing silently into the

 unknown, the unbelievable

splendor of exotic flowers,

the eerie sounds of the jungle, with

 eyes that are always watching

.... this is Adventureland."

-Walt Disney

"Here we experience the story

of our country's past ... the colorful drama of frontier

America in the exciting

days of the covered

wagon and the stage

coach, the advent of

the railroad and the

romantic riverboat.

Frontierland is a

tribute to the faith,

courage and

ingenuity of the

pioneers who

blazed the trails

across America."

-Walt Disney

"Here is the world of

imagination, hopes and

dreams. In this timeless

land of enchantment,

the age of chivalry,

magic, and make-believe

 are reborn, and fairy

tales come true.

Fantasyland is

dedicated to the

young at heart, to

those who believe

that when you

wish upon a star,

your dreams

come true."

 -Walt Disney

"Tomorrowland ... a vista into a world of wondrous ideas, signifying man's achievements ... a step into the future with predictions of constructive things to come. Tomorrow offers new frontiers in science, adventure and

ideals ... the challenge of outer space, and the hope of a peaceful and unified world." -Walt Disney

" O pening Day? It was wonderful! I was loading jungle boats and Bob Cummings microphone wire kept getting wrapped around my neck! I was supposed to be working on the Mark Twain but they didn't have my uniform by opening day. Well, the Mark Twain had too many operators and the jungle didn't have enough, so I went to the jungle for a year. There were no microphones on the boats then and you shouted yourself hoarse with a megaphone. I didn't like to give the spiel so they sent me to the shooting galleries for ten years. I made Walt Disney pay on the shooting gallery. Yep. Sure did. That's the rules... no different for him than anyone else! Walt wanted things perfect. He had an open mind and asked advice of the operators saying, 'How can you improve?' He loved kids." -Homer Holland (original Cast Member)

I magineer Harriett Burns, the first woman ever hired by Walt Disney in a creative rather than an office capacity, was there on July 17 as well.

"Oh, the crunch. Oh my gosh. We were all assigned different places... each person at the studio. They didn't want everyone in the same area. They thought we'd be spaced out and sort of be "hosting" in different areas. But, it was just so crunched. They had counterfeit tickets and there was just this mob of people and it felt like 110 degrees. The asphalt was melting, every woman wore heels and my heels would sink into the asphalt. It was a miserable hot day."

"On the opening day of Disneyland, we (Mouseketters) were in Walt Disney's private apartment above the Main Street Fire Station when the gates of the park opened for the first time. I was standing next to him at the window, watching the guests come pouring through the gates. When I looked up at him, he had his hands behind his back, a grin from ear to ear, I could see a lump in his throat and a tear streaming down his cheek. He had realized his dream. I was only twelve years old at the time, so it didn't mean as much to me then. But as the years go by, that image of him becomes more and more endearing." -Sharon Baird

"Disneyland will always

be building and growing

and adding new things…

new ways of having fun,

of learning things and

sharing the many exciting

 adventures which may be

 experienced here in

the company of family

and friends."

 -Walt Disney

"I think what I want

Disneyland to be most of

all is a happy place—a place

where adults and children

can experience together

some of the wonder of

life, of adventure, and

feel better because of it."

 -Walt Disney

    Y oung Martin Gushwa visited the park on that historic day as well. "I was one of

the kids that ran across the bridge and then thru the castle the day the park opened," Marty happily recalled. After high school and during his college years he worked at the Disneyland Hotel restaurants. "After my wife and I started a family we began buying annual passes and used to take the girls to the park every Sunday after church. My oldest daughter went on to work with the Disney Kids Clubs and also for one contract on one of the Disney Cruise ships. A couple of years ago we purchased the DVD set of the opening day at the park.  I

swear I can pick me out of the group of kids on the bridge."

"Disney was a dreamer and a doer ... while the rest of us were talking about the future, he built it. The things

he taught us at Disneyland about street planning, crowd movement, comfort humanity, etc, will influence

builders, architects, urban planners for the next century."

-writer Ray Bradbury

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Disney Openeing Day August 2 2004 Pin

Source: http://www.thisdayindisneyhistory.com/DisneylandGrandOpening.html

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